Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Crayons on paper 15X20

Teacher asked us draw or paint whatever you want. I wanted try something abstract because we had learned about abstract paintings before the teacher gave us in class assignment. "I'll express myself instead I illustrate them" some famous artist says. While I was thinking how to make an abstract picture, somehow, I remembered that when I was in elementary school I made a picture like this(I'm probably sure it wasn't just me doing that), so I painted the colors red, orange, yellow, green and blue and then I overpainted with black and then I scratched with my small ruler. The result, I guess it's okay. I wish there's more randomenss in that pattern. This was the first I haven't been left behind in the class.
There's some similarities with the painting of beyond the Atom and I aslo want to try this one with white background color.

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