Monday, May 2, 2011

The summary of 1st term

"What was to go on the canvas was not a picture but event"
from William De Kooning

"Express rather tan illustrate"
from Robert Rauchenberg. 

"Finding the process"
from Paula Scher getting the idea of making citi bank logo

"it's boring, it's supposed to be interesting!"
from David Carson

* Abstract(Asymmetrical) Composition is essential to a good design.
   - Asymmetrical balance : Although asymmetrical balance may appear more casual and less planned,
                                        it is usually harder to use because the designer must plan the layout very carefully
                                        to ensure that it is still balanced.
                                        An unbalanced page or screen creates a sense of tension, as if the design might tip,
                                        or things might slide off the side of the page.
                                        More visual interest is created in asymmetrical balance.
* Use negative space effectively.

* Semi-comps to get the main idea is very mandatory for everything.
   - Start with at least 12 ideas.
   - Sticking to one of the ideas is also important.

* Bad Typo
   - Bad font choice
   - All caps
   - Tight kerning
   - Bad word space

* Tracking first before kerning

* Most of all, start focusing on making my portfolio professionally!

* Follow the instinct

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